Bones for German Shepherd Dogs

Bones for German Shepherd Dogs

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge




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 Hi Everyone,

Today I have another diet tip for your German Shepherd Dog.  It is fall again, and for those that live in rural parts of the United States that means it is hunting season and more specific it is deer season.  Here in Oklahoma, we have two large deer processors nearby and daily I collect their scraps from their deer processing operations.  I usually pick up four large trash cans full of meat and fresh bones.  We separate the bones from the meat scraps and place the bones in the kennels every evening.  The following day we remove the bones before they dry out and become brittle and, therefore, become possibly a danger by breaking off in sharp shards.

Heidelberg's William Loves Deer Bones

Heidelberg’s William Loves Deer Bones

Fresh bones have the consistency of a bar of soap in that you can shave them as you can shave soap.  Fresh bones in moderation are easily chewed and digested by German Shepherd Dogs.  We even provide bones to puppies as young as 8-weeks-old.  Our shepherds enjoying chewing off the fresh meat still attached to the bones and they enjoy eating some of the bones and the nutrient rich marrow inside the long bones. Our shepherd get very fat and healthier in the fall.  In addition to the nutritional benefits of fresh bones, the process of chewing on the bones removes all the tarter off our shepherds’ teeth.

Grand Champion, Champion Heidelberg's Kodi has a Perfect Smile Because He Keeps His Teeth Clean from Chewing on Deer Bones

Grand Champion, Champion Heidelberg’s Kodi has a Perfect Smile Because He Keeps His Teeth Clean from Chewing on Deer Bones

Give your German Shepherd Dog fresh bones from time to time.  Find a deer processor near you, and ask them if you can collect some fresh leg bones from them.  Offer to bring a container that they can throw the bones in it for you.  Most processor are more than happy to provide their bones to you.  For the most part they just throw them away anyway.  Collect and freeze enough to provide a fresh bone treat to your German Shepherd Dog a couple of times a month.

Note a word of caution: if you have not previously given fresh bones to your shepherd, you may need to monitor their consumption for the first couple of times because they literally will eat all the bones that you give them, which can cause gastric upset and constipation.  Your shepherd never before having fresh bones will devour them as a kid would if they were experiencing chocolate for the first time as teenager.  No amount will satisfy.  Once you give your shepherd bones on a regular basis of a couple times per month they will then just chew on them and eat very little of the actual bone, which is what you want.  After twenty-four hours remove any uneaten bones from the yard and throw them away.

12-Month-Old Heidelberg's Nelson With A Perfect Smile

12-Month-Old Heidelberg’s Nelson With A Perfect Smile

If you are considering getting a German shepherd puppy consider getting one of our older puppies and save a little money on some very high quality shepherds.

Please continue to check out our web page as we post updates on available litters:   We have several wonderful puppies that that are ready to go home.

Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion.   Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds



Bones for German Shepherd Dogs

Importance of Vitamin C Supplement for Growing German Shepherd Dog Puppies

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge




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Hi Everyone,

It has been awhile since I last posted.  I hope to post on a more frequently in the future.  Nevertheless, what I am going to discuss is very important for those with new and growing puppies.

Most German Shepherds are born with good joints and good genetics to grow into healthy adults without joint problems later in life.  However, since puppies no longer for the most part have natural diets where they consume fresh killed prey items, especially consuming the predigested stomach contents of prey animals such as rabbits, deer, etc., a vitamin C deficiency exists in most German Shepherd Puppies diets.  Puppies grow fast; therefore, it is important that their diets bein balance with vitamin C in relation to their calcium intake.  Excessive calcium encourages rapid bone growth especially in the long-bones, however if this takes place with a vitamin C deficiency the joints growth will not be congruent with the long-bone growth and joint disease and abnormalities can develop even in genetically normal and healthy puppies.


GCh. Ch. Heidelberg's Kodi X Heidelberg's Yoyo puppy

GCh. Ch. Heidelberg’s Kodi X Heidelberg’s Yoyo puppy

By providing vitamin C even in excess can help ensure that your puppies grow correctly and have healthy joints as adults.  In addition, to our Total Pure Vitamin Supplement, which contains ample Vitamin C, we are recommending that you add an additional 500 mg Vitamin C tab daily to your puppy’s diet , especially if you are supplementing their diet with Yogurt.

An Healthy Heidelberg Female German Shepherd Female

A Healthy Heidelberg Female German Shepherd Female Enjoying Her Life

Please continue to check out our web page as we post updates on available litters:   We have several wonderful puppies that that are ready to go home.

Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion.   Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds



Bones for German Shepherd Dogs

German Shepherd Dogs (Start of a New Training Class)

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge




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Hi Everyone,

This is a quick post today to remind and encourage everyone about the start of our new Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Basic Obedience Class at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels on Saturday, September 7, 2013 at 10:30 am. There is no charge for this class and all breeds and ages are invited.  The only requirement is that your dogs must be up to date on all their vaccinations.

We concluded our summer training session in August with several owners and dogs passing the American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen Class.  Since the conclusion of that class AKC has announced a new advanced level for Canine Good Citizen.  With the introduction of AKC Community Canine, the AKC’s CGC program now provides a comprehensive three- level training program for dogs and their owners. Beginning with AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, progressing to Canine Good Citizen and now to AKC Community Canine, the CGC program trains dogs through all stages of life to be well behaved in society.  We are excited about the new program and will match our training class exercises to meet the qualifications of this advanced level of training.

We Cannot Wait to go to School

We Cannot Wait to go to School

We look forwards to seeing new faces and old friends.  Please make it out for our free training.  The more participants that we have makes for a better class and training opportunities for all.

AKC Community Canine expands on CGC skills and lays the beginning foundation for obedience, rally and therapy dog work.  Many of you with young dogs are planning on moving through to bigger and better things for your puppy, and we thank you for allowing us to be a part of this journey.

Slow School is Open

Slow School is Open

Please continue to check out our web page as we post updates on available litters:   We have several wonderful puppies that we are accepting deposits on, and these puppies will be ready to go to their new homes on September 9, 2011.

Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion.   Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds



Bones for German Shepherd Dogs

Add Juicing Pulp to Your German Shepherd Dog Diet

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi Everyone,

A lot of people are paying more attention today to their health by educating themselves on a healthy diet.  They are juicing to increase their nutrient intake.  Juicing is becoming more popular than ever before as people learn more about nutritional needs and how to meet those needs in a world of processed foods.  Besides being delicious, juicing fresh vegetables and fruit it is particularly healthy.  I personally have been juicing breakfast and lunch somewhat inconsistently for the last two years.  I get away from juicing because I get busy and do not have the time to purchase the vegetables and fruits and to prepare them.  It does take a lot of time out of your daily schedule to juice on a regular basis.  However, I keep coming back to because I feel and look much better when I juice.   I lose weight, have more energy, and my complexion improves, and I have a definite healthy glow when I juice on a regular basis.  In addition, it only takes a couple of days to start to feel and see the positive effect of juicing.

Healthy Puppy Befitting From Juicing  Pulp in His Diet

Healthy Puppy Befitting From Juicing Pulp in His Diet

Today, I encourage you to start juicing if you do not and if you do juice do the same for your German Shepherd Dog by including the pulp left over from juicing in your German Shepherd Dog’s diet.  The pulp leftover from juicing is similar to the predigested stomach contents of herbivores.

Carnivores and certain omnivores such as lions, dogs, wolves, coyotes, and foxes in nature, after capturing their prey will always first consume stomachs and intestines, which contain predigested vegetation. These predigested contents provide the meat eaters with much-needed nutrients such as complex amino acids, minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll necessary for maintenance, health, and longevity. These nutrients cannot be found in sufficient levels or in a readily digestible form in most all dry-foods. In addition, many of these basic nutrients are cooked out of the dry-food during processing.

Healthy and Happy Heidelberg German Shepherd Dog, Puppies

Healthy and Happy Heidelberg German Shepherd Dog, Puppies

Prepare the pulp by bringing it to a boil.  By denaturing the proteins, you will further make it more like predigested stomach contents of herbivores. You can also add eggs and fresh meat and cook these items with the pulp, thus making a gruel that you can pour out over your German Shepherd Dog’s dry-food.

Food items that are exceptionally healthy for your German Shepherd Dog include kale, carrots, apples, oranges, grapefruit, berries of all types, grapes only in very small quantities (grapes can be harmful to your dog in large quantities), cranberries, spinach, cucumbers, watermelon, tomatoes, etc.  You will have to experiment with ratios both for you and your dog for taste.  Too much pulp and your German Shepherd Dog may not eat it. 

Grand Champion Heidelberg's Kodi Enjoys Juice Pulp

Grand Champion Heidelberg’s Kodi Enjoys Juice Pulp

 Try juicing for yourself and your German Shepherd Dog.  I guarantee that you will like the results.  As always before dramatically changing your diet or your dog’s diet consult your physician and your veterinarian.

Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion. Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds

