Useful Tips for Shed Dog Hair

by | Maintenance | 2 comments

Fall is approaching and with autumn as dog owners and especially German Shepherd owners know that your dog will shed their summer coat and replace it with their winter coat.

While this is easily handled with daily brushing many people will collect the shed fur and throw it away.  Consider rather letting it loose in your backyard.   You will be surprised out how quickly the fur actually does disappear.  This is not a magical process, rather animals are collecting this fur and making winter nests.  

The unseen advantage is that this fur likely contains residual pesticides that will kill pests such as ticks, mites, and fleas.   This will make sure your squirrels and rabbits are getting a flea tick treatment, thus reducing pest numbers on your property going into winter.  Even more important for protecting your yard from pest and helping the local bird population is to let that fur loose in the backyard in the spring.   Birds will line their nests with the shed fur and the added insulation increases the survival of the next generation of birds while killing mites.

At Keystone German Shepherds we always let the fur go into the yard and it is literally removed by nesting birds before our eyes.  Again an added advantage is when our dogs shed in the spring they have all been treated with Advantix or Frontline and those products keep working even after shedding. 

Several years ago at a dog show, we saw the most amazing coat made from shed dog hair.  The owner informed us that it was very warm and comfortable even if it looked as though he was wearing a pack of mangy coyotes.  Probably not the best use of shed dog fur, but good to know in case of an apocalypse.

We have several female puppies out of champion bloodlines.  These girls are incredibly soft and loving.  We also have a couple of older male puppies available.  Please contact us at (918) 261-4729 or go to  We are in the process of redoing and updating our web page.  Please be patient.  We will soon have our 25 plus champions and grand champions reposted as well as available stud dogs.


  1. Kim Bakken

    On December 2, 2020 I had to put the love of my life Vader to sleep due to Degenerative Myelopathy. He was the most beautiful Silver Sable Straight Back German Shepherd I had ever seen. He blew me away how intelligent he was & I am very familiar with the breed having shared my life with 2 previous Shepherds. He came to me at 2 yrs & I know we were destined to find each other. I miss him tremendously. I had waited 10 years before getting another German Shepherd after losing Ty. I can’t wait years again both because of the love I have for the breed & the incredible pain in my heart without Vader. I feel giving love to another dog will help heal my heart. I know that no other dog can replace Vader as each dog is unique but I can give my love to another one of these very special creatures. I am looking for either a puppy or a young adult male dog (no older than 2 as we don’t have them long enough as it is). Vader was 90 lbs. which was the perfect size dog for me. I am very interested in your facility as you provide the original Straight Back German Shepherd. I do not find the slope back dogs to be healthy. Please provide info on availability, prices, shipping (as I live in WI) etc. Thanks so very much.


    • Spencer

      Thanks, Kim, and I’m very sorry to hear about Vader. We are not selling puppies for about a year now. We may bring this back in the future, but not right now.


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