Sorry this didn’t get posted sooner! It’s that time of year where we make New Year Resolutions. Even though I went for several years “not” making resolutions, I really did make one. “I’m not going to make New Year’s Resolutions!” was my resolution!
Hopefully you have room for one more resolution! We have a few new toys in the training yard for the dogs, thanks to Don Crean! We have a new teeter-totter and a ramp. Dean built us a jump and a table a while back, so we have several things to work on!
This year, if you’re not attending our free Saturday morning trainings, think about coming. It could be a great resolution for 2018. We have class, weather permitting, on Saturday mornings starting at 10:00 am here at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennel. We work on basic obedience, manners, socializing all of the dogs, and show practice as needed.
When we are getting ready for upcoming shows, we work on helping the dogs remember what they need to do. But our main goal is to prepare you and your puppy for the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test. We usually have the test in May.
What is the CGC test? It is an official American Kennel Club (AKC) title. Once your dog passes the test and all of the paperwork and the fee is sent to AKC, your dog will have CGC at the end of their official AKC name.
The great thing is, you don’t have to come to every class. You can come a couple of times a month and practice at home. Then when it is time, you will probably be able to pass the test.
When class is over, it’s a great time to pick up supplies or have your dog’s nails clipped. We do not limit it to only German Shepherd Dogs, so please join us when the weather is nicer for a fun morning!
To see if we are having class, check our website and Facebook at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennel.
Obedience and Canine Good Citizen Class at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels Playing Leap Dog!
Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge
Hi Everyone,
I’ve got some special female puppies out of Grand Champion, Champion, Certified Service Dog, Heidelberg’s Kodiak v Queridad OFAA24G Excellent, DNA #V495166 (Kodi) and Heidelberg’s Candee Fontana (Shae). This is Shae’s last litter.
Kodi in Tulsa
Grand Champion, Champion Heidelberg’s Kodiak v Qeridad Ready for Another Road Trip
These special puppies, I’m only offering them to my faithful blog readers. Actually I really do not want to sell them, but we must keep our breeding females below 9 or we’ll have to to submit to having the Oklahoma Department of AG out here telling me how to raise shepherds. Personally, I don’t care to have anymore government intrusion in my life than that which is absolutely necessary. Anyway, back to the puppies.
There were three puppies in this litter, 1 male and 2 females. Smaller litters are common with older females. Shae waited until her last litter to produce her best puppies. I absolutely fell in love with all three of the puppies. They are intelligent, confident, slightly independent, and alpha. I’ve had them outside in the kennel with puppies that are two-weeks older, but there is no doubt who are top puppies. While being dominant, they are not mean or vicious rather they are sweet even in their play. They are natural pack leaders. Sorry, the boy isn’t for sale unless someone offers me crazy money for him. The two girls are priced at $1,500.00.
Heidelberg’s Valerie Candeef
Heidelberg’s Vega Candeef
Please continue to check out our web page as we post updates on available litters: We have several wonderful German shepherd puppies for sale that that are ready to go home.
Please call me at (918) 261-4729 if you would like to take one of puppies home with you. Please visit our web page to learn more about these wonderful Heidelberg German Shepherds that we raise at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels.
Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge
We have several German Shepherd Puppies for sale. The first that I would like to write about are two girl puppies out of Heidelberg’s Patriot v Atlantan whose almost a new champion and Heidelberg’s Winter Xandrac. Winter is the classical female German Shepherd type. She is not overly large, but when you look at her you know that she’s female and she is very beautiful. Patriot is our largest male and could easily be 110 pounds lean weight at maturity. Winter had three of the largest female puppies that I have ever seen at birth. I’ve been doing this for over twenty years and have seen a lot of German shepherd puppies born. Therefore, when I say the largest that really means something well beyond just big pups. These three puppies have continued to remain unusually large.
Heidelberg’s Patriot v Atlantan
Heidelberg’s Xandrac Carenf
However, the beast thing I like about these puppies is that they demonstrate flawless temperament with ornery personalities. The one that we have sold, I was told is already barking at 10 weeks-of -age at strange cars and people coming to the door, which is what this elderly gentleman wanted was to be alerted to strangers coming on his property.
Xena and Xandra Winterx big puppies ready to go to a new home
She also is protecting their property, he said that he saw her get into it with a giant crawdad that was crossing the yard. (We have had an unusually wet Spring and everything is saturated) After being pinched on the nose several times, she figured out that she could pull a rear guard maneuver on this crawdad and safely dispatch this evil enemy that had invaded her owner’s yard.
We have her sister’s here available at Priced at $1,500.00 for someone looking for beautiful, large female puppies that will also be protective. These are breeding and show quality females, even though I have them priced as companions.
Please continue to check out our web page as we post updates on available litters: We have several wonderful German shepherd puppies for sale that that are ready to go home.
Please call me at (918) 261-4729 if you would like to take one of puppies home with you. Please visit our web page to learn more about these wonderful Heidelberg German Shepherds that we raise at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels.
Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to re post about how important it is to supplement your dog and even more so for growing puppies. Diets should be supplemented with vitamins and cod liver oil. Researchers have just discovered how important vitamin c is to proper growth and development of joints while German shepherd Dogs are growing. If insufficient amounts of vitamin c are provided in the diet during growth spurts that joint disease can develop even in puppies that are not genetically predisposed to joint disease.
Feeding just dry-food will leave your German Shepherd Dog or puppy deficient on macro and micro nutrients, vitamins, and certain minerals. The reason why these supposedly balanced and even the top-of-the-line dry-foods cannot supply these nutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed for proper growth and maintenance is due to the way it is manufactured. Dry-food is cooked at such high temperatures and extruded at such high pressures that the nutrient values that are in the starting ingredients are destroyed or altered in such a way that they cannot be assimilated or digested.
This is why we supplement our Heidelberg German Shepherd Dogs’ diet with our Pure Total Dog Supplement, which provides all the macro and macro nutrient, vitamins and minerals in a form that is readily digested and absorbed by your German shepherd. Our Pure Total Dog Supplement is loaded with vitamin C, all the B-complexes including biotin and B-6 and 12, Digest K yeast which helps with digestion, desiccated liver powder, which helps with finicky eaters, selenium that is important with skeletal growth maintenance, Omega 3 oils, which supports the circulatory system, and Diatomite powder, which provides the macro nutrients needed for joint growth and maintenance.
Pure Total Dog Supplement
Our Pure Total Dog Supplement in combination with a daily tablespoon of Perfect Cod Liver Oil, which provides vitamin A and E and a good quality dry-food will provide everything needed for your German Shepherd Dog or puppy to grow correctly and thrive. Our Perfect Cod Liver Oil provides for proper growth and maintenance of the circulatory system and brain, as well as the eyes. The cod liver oil will also keep the coats bright and shiny and if used daily will reduce shedding in the house with proper brushing. Also, if you have seen dandruff or flaky skin on your dog, the cod liver oil will resolve that problem while eliminating itchy skin. Be aware that cod liver oil is the king of all fish oils, and common fish oils that are sold at feed stores will not provide the same level of benefits and are many times loaded with contaminants and are rancid.
Perfect Cod Liver Oil
We sell our Pure Total Dog Supplement and Perfect Cod Liver Oil to the public. Our Pure Total Dog Supplement cost $19.95 and is a four month supply for one dog. Our cod liver oil comes in a quart bottle and will last two-months for one dog and is priced at $19.75. Our cod liver oil is imported from Iceland and is the most contaminant free cod liver oil available. We only purchase human grade for our dogs, which decreases possible contaminants such as PCB’s. Dioxins, and mercury. Please order online at or go to our web page and click on order online at
A Happy Healthy Correctly Fed and Supplemented Puppy
Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge
Hi Everyone,
Below is an easy way to prepare several evening meals for your German Shepherd Dog or puppy. Once prepared you can freeze in individual bags and sit out on bag per day to defrost.The defrosted contents can be added to the good quality dry-food in the evening to provide a fast, easy, and healthy meal for your German shepherd.
Healthy Food Means Healthy German Shepherds
To do a mass cooking for your new dog:
Get a whole chicken and place it in your crock-pot.Cook it for about 4 hours.Then put whole carrots in the crock-pot with the chicken.Cook 3-4 hours, until the chicken is done and the carrot are soft.
Healthy Food Means Happy German Shepherds
Let it cool to room temperature the let it cool in the icebox overnight.The next day take the fat off the top and debone the chicken.An ice cream scoop is about 3 ounces; place one scoop of meat in several zip-top baggies.Then put the cooked carrots (1/3 of a carrot per feeding), 1 clove of garlic for each carrot third, and two table spoons of cooked spinach (2 heaping tablespoons per feeding) to match the carrots in the blender. Put some of the broth in the blender.Make a purée of the veggies and separate that into the number of feedings (6 carrots = 18 feedings).Everything needs to be no warmer than room temperature.
Today I’m going to offer a short but important basic obedience tip. When heeling with your German shepherd Dog or puppy start off with your left foot. This may be awkward especially for right handed people because most of us will start walking with our dominant side, but with a little practice it will become natural.Starting off with your left foot provides a visual clue to your German Shepherd Dog to start heeling with you. Also, if you have proper leash placement by starting with your left foot the leash should be engaged by your left knee or thigh coming forwards, thus giving a physical cue to your shepherd to begin heeling when the engaged leash pulls them slightly forwards.The other advantage of starting to with your left foot is while your dog or puppy is in the heeling position and in a sit-stay you can move out of the heeling position by starting with your right foot and not trigger your German to move out of the sit-stay position.This is useful for moving in front of your dog to begin a different training exercise such as ‘stay’ followed by the come command.
German Shepherd Dogs in Heeling Position While on a Sit-Stay Command
German Shepherd Dogs Heeling at Keystone German Shepherd Training Class
Remember even if you only have 5 minutes a day to practice obedience training with your German Shepherd Dog or puppy, go ahead and utilize those 5 minutes because overtime it will pay off with great benefits for you and your German shepherd.
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