This is a quick post today to remind and encourage everyone about the start of our new Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Basic Obedience Class at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels on Saturday, September 7, 2013 at 10:30 am. There is no charge for this class and all breeds and ages are invited.The only requirement is that your dogs must be up to date on all their vaccinations.
We concluded our summer training session in August with several owners and dogs passing the American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen Class.Since the conclusion of that class AKC has announced a new advanced level for Canine Good Citizen. With the introduction of AKC Community Canine, the AKC’s CGC program now provides a comprehensive three- level training program for dogs and their owners. Beginning with AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, progressing to Canine Good Citizen and now to AKC Community Canine, the CGC program trains dogs through all stages of life to be well behaved in society.We are excited about the new program and will match our training class exercises to meet the qualifications of this advanced level of training.
We Cannot Wait to go to School
We look forwards to seeing new faces and old friends.Please make it out for our free training.The more participants that we have makes for a better class and training opportunities for all.
AKC Community Canine expands on CGC skills and lays the beginning foundation for obedience, rally and therapy dog work.Many of you with young dogs are planning on moving through to bigger and better things for your puppy, and we thank you for allowing us to be a part of this journey.
Slow School is Open
Please continue to check out our web page as we post updates on available litters: We have several wonderful puppies that we are accepting deposits on, and these puppies will be ready to go to their new homes on September 9, 2011.
Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion. Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds
I am so sorry that I have been so sporadic on these posts.Ever since mid-June it seems that I have lost control of my time since I have been unbelievably busy.However, with summer ending and all the associated chores, I am hopeful I will have a little more time to share with you my stories and knowledge of the wonderful German Shepherd Dog.To make up for my tardiness I have a true and inspiring story for you today.
A Male Heidelberg Puppy that is currently Available at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels
A longtime friend and Heidelberg German Shepherd Dog owner, John had his life saved by his beloved male Heidelberg, but not in a way you would ever expect.John is a Heidelberg dog collector and has gotten into breeding and showing Heidelberg German Shepherd Dogs, but while over the years John has had several Heidelberg’s, he had his favorite male, Gunner that went everywhere with John.Gunner was approximately five-years-old and had already finished his Championship and was John’s prize stud dog.
Heidelberg Puppies that are currently Available at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels
One day John came home and Gunner immediately came to John and rather than giving John the regular greeting of sitting and waiting for John to lean over so Gunner could give him a kiss, Gunner immediately stuck his nose in John’s calf and started licking.John thought maybe that he had brushed up against a girl that was in-season and did not think too much of the calf licking.However, Gunner was persistent in licking John’s calf so much so that John took a shower so Gunner would stop.Gunner did not stop.This went on for a week, and so much so that Gunner got scolded and put outside several days.
Heidelberg Puppies that are currently Available at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels
John thought Gunner had developed some kind of personality problem and was upset that his prize stud dog and companion had become Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) over John’s leg.While deciding what he was going to do with Gunner, John had the television on and a program came on about how European Doctors were using dogs to detect cancer.
A Male Heidelberg Puppy that is currently Available at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels
John scheduled an appointment with his doctor, and he found that John had under-the-skin melanoma in the calf.Almost anyone that has under-the-skin melanoma by the time they feel sick and seek medical help they usually die five days later because, by this time, it has spread throughout the entire body and is the brain and the lungs.
A Male Heidelberg Puppy that is currently Available at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels
John had major surgery on his calf to remove the cancer and for two years had undergone chemo treatments.He is finally cancer free.Needless to say, Gunner was even elevated to a higher status in John’s house and while ten-years-old now, Gunner is still doing well.
A Female Heidelberg Puppy that is currently Available at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels
Please continue to check out our web page as we post updates on available litters: We have several wonderful puppies that we are accepting deposits on, and these puppies will be ready to go to their new homes on September 9, 2011.
Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion. Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds
Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge
Hi Everyone,
The American Kennel Club (AKC) requires that breeders permanently mark their German Shepherd Dog puppies with an individual tattoo number or microchip.We at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels have always tattooed all our shepherds, but about three-years-ago when AKC came out with the AKC Companion Animal Recovery (CAR) with their International Chip, we were quick to jump on board with the AKC CAR program.We now tattoo all our puppies and offer the service to microchip your new puppy for $20.00.
Microchip Your Dog With AKC CAR Program
Having both a tattoo and microchip is the best way to protect your new German Shepherd Dog puppy from theft and loss.Having your new puppy tattooed and/or microchipped is the only legal way that you can prove that puppy is your dog short of collecting DNA from both parents and paying for expensive testing.Having a microchip tag on your puppy’s collar will deter some thieves.In addition, in most jurisdictions dog pounds are required to check for tattoos and microchips and should attempt to find the owner before adopting out or destroying an identified dog.This provides extra protection for your German Shepherd Dog if they become lost.
What Me Get Lost?
AKC CAR program only charges $19.95 for a onetime and lifetime registration fee, which provides you a web page for your puppy, which you can change and update all your pertinent information, such as moving to a new home or changing veterinarians.
Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion. Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds
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