Normally Dean writes the blog posts, but today it’s Patty. I want to tell you a story about a female that was inside the house waiting to have her puppies!
Her name is Heidelberg’s Winter Xandrac. I let her out to go potty before leaving for a doctor’s appointment. Dean was out hunting, so he couldn’t help me. I am home with her and GCh. Ch. Kodi, CGC in the house with me all morning.
I am ready to leave, so I go outside and call them. Of course, GCh. Ch. Kodi, CGC comes right away. But in training him, I failed to train him to find another dog (especially a pregnant one)! I walk all around the house, calling her name. Nothing. I go back to the house and sit down to see if she will come to the door. Nothing.
I am getting a little worried, so I check all the kennels. I want to make sure one wasn’t empty and she is nesting in a dog house. No sign of Winter. I start walking around the house checking under things, as my circle gets larger I am nearly to the outside fence line and nothing. I call my friend Pam in Sand Springs for moral support. She offers to come to help me, but I won’t let her.
Now, I have to do the dreaded thing. Call Dean to tell him I’ve lost Winter. I don’t want to tell him that!! So I call him and tell him, he tells me to do all the things I have already done. I have walked back to the front porch and sat down, so sad and worried.
Then, I hear a strange noise, sounds like it is coming from under the porch, but how? I walk around the front of the porch and see her walking back and forth. So I try to figure out how she got under there and how to get her out. Then I find a hole that she dug in the corner, so I try to entice her out, but she won’t come out. I get a bowl of food, she loves to eat, and try to get her to come out. She won’t come back to the hole and then I notice a piece of lattice that seems to be broken. I pulled on it and she came out!!!
I didn’t know that the boys cleaning kennels kept filling in the holes with more dirt. When Dean came home later that day, he had them fill it with big rocks. Boy that was so difficult every time she went out until the hole was filled in with rocks!
Imagine being a full-grown pregnant dog getting in this hole! Amazing!!
On October 17, 2010 our Grand Champion Champion (GCh Ch) Heidelberg’s Oklahoma Natashac (Kay) won Best in Show (BIS) at the Enid, Oklahoma Dog Show. Last month was the anniversary of that win and nine years later Kay is still the number one GCh Ch German Shepherd Dog in Oklahoma. Last month we were back at the Enid dog show with Kay’s Grandson, Heidelberg’s Remington v Windy. Remington didn’t win BIS, but for a beautiful puppy that just turned one-year-old, he did well and we are proud of him. He ended up with Reserve Winners Dog on Saturday.
Kay was absolutely the perfect dog both in beauty and
temperament. And, she loved being shown
by Andrea Hesser, DVM. Kay had charisma
and she enjoyed displaying that in the show ring. She knew she was all that and more. I remember when Kay and her sister were about
five-weeks-old, I would take them on the back patio and watch them explore the
world. Even at that age Kay stood out. Kay actually finished her Championship in two
weekends. One of the top professional
handlers in the country, Brian Livingston saw me showing Kay for the first time
in Grove, OK. I was doing a terrible job
because she just wanted play and jump all over me as we ran around the show
ring. (She was only 12-months-old). After I won Kay’s class, Brian came up and
asked if he could show Kay for free for the rest of the weekend. He did so and won Group 1 and Group 2 on
Saturday and Sunday, respectively.
Reflecting on this while showing Remington this last month in Enid brought back a lot of fond memories for us. Remington is not quite the show dog Kay was, but he’s young and we at Keystone German Shepherds are hopeful. Remington will be a Grand Champion Champion after he grows up.
Please visit our web page at Help us to continue to purposefully breed these wonderful Heidelberg’s by visiting our web page, rating us, and leaving comments on Facebook, forwarding our web page, or, better yet, please come buy our puppies. In addition, consider trying our supplements from our online store. Our dog show wins are in part due to our Pure Total Vitamins and cod liver oil supplement which allows our dogs to grow the most lavish, plush-coats. These supplements work and are needed to keep your current dogs healthy and away from the veterinarian. If you try our supplements especially in concert with a healthy diet, you will see amazing changes to the overall health and vitality of your dog within a month. For a healthy diet please see our web page.
Currently, we have four female puppies that are Kay’s
grandchildren. Do you need a show dog
that will win or a family companion that will be loyal and a pleasure to call
your best friend. These puppies are
priced at $2,000.00. Please help us keep
this Heidelberg line going. Call me or
Patty at (918) 261-4729.
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