Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

We have several German Shepherd Puppies for sale.  The first that I would like to write about are two girl puppies out of Heidelberg’s Patriot v Atlantan whose almost a new champion and Heidelberg’s Winter Xandrac.  Winter is the classical female German Shepherd type.  She is not overly large, but when you look at her you know that she’s female and she is very beautiful.  Patriot is our largest male and could easily be 110 pounds lean weight at maturity.  Winter had three of the largest female puppies that I have ever seen at birth.  I’ve been doing this for over twenty years and have seen a lot of German shepherd puppies born.  Therefore, when I say the largest that really means something well beyond just big pups.  These three puppies have continued to remain unusually large.

Heidelberg's Patriot v Atlantan

Heidelberg’s Patriot v Atlantan

Heidelberg's Winter Xandrac

Heidelberg’s  Xandrac Carenf

However, the beast thing I like about these puppies is that they demonstrate flawless temperament with ornery personalities.   The one that we have sold, I was told is already barking at 10 weeks-of -age at strange cars and people coming to the door, which is what this elderly gentleman wanted was to be alerted to strangers coming on his property.

Xena and Xandra Winterx big puppies ready to go to a new home

Xena and Xandra Winterx big puppies ready to go to a new home

She also is protecting their property, he said that he saw her get into it with a giant crawdad that was crossing the yard.  (We have had an unusually wet Spring and everything is saturated) After being pinched on the nose several times, she figured out that she could pull a rear guard maneuver on this crawdad and safely dispatch this evil enemy that had invaded her owner’s yard.

We have her sister’s here available at https://kgsd.inventivehorizons.com/.  Priced at $1,500.00 for someone looking for beautiful, large female puppies that will also be protective.  These are breeding and show quality females, even though I have them priced as companions.

Please continue to check out our web page as we post updates on available litters: https://kgsd.inventivehorizons.com/PuppiesForSale.htm.   We have several wonderful German shepherd puppies for sale that that are ready to go home.

Please call me at (918) 261-4729 if you would like to take one of puppies home with you.  Please visit our web page to learn more about these wonderful Heidelberg German Shepherds that we raise at Keystone German Shepherds & Kennels.  https://kgsd.inventivehorizons.com/


Dean Heckathorn





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