Add Juicing Pulp to Your German Shepherd Dog Diet

Add Juicing Pulp to Your German Shepherd Dog Diet

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi Everyone,

A lot of people are paying more attention today to their health by educating themselves on a healthy diet.  They are juicing to increase their nutrient intake.  Juicing is becoming more popular than ever before as people learn more about nutritional needs and how to meet those needs in a world of processed foods.  Besides being delicious, juicing fresh vegetables and fruit it is particularly healthy.  I personally have been juicing breakfast and lunch somewhat inconsistently for the last two years.  I get away from juicing because I get busy and do not have the time to purchase the vegetables and fruits and to prepare them.  It does take a lot of time out of your daily schedule to juice on a regular basis.  However, I keep coming back to because I feel and look much better when I juice.   I lose weight, have more energy, and my complexion improves, and I have a definite healthy glow when I juice on a regular basis.  In addition, it only takes a couple of days to start to feel and see the positive effect of juicing.

Healthy Puppy Befitting From Juicing  Pulp in His Diet

Healthy Puppy Befitting From Juicing Pulp in His Diet

Today, I encourage you to start juicing if you do not and if you do juice do the same for your German Shepherd Dog by including the pulp left over from juicing in your German Shepherd Dog’s diet.  The pulp leftover from juicing is similar to the predigested stomach contents of herbivores.

Carnivores and certain omnivores such as lions, dogs, wolves, coyotes, and foxes in nature, after capturing their prey will always first consume stomachs and intestines, which contain predigested vegetation. These predigested contents provide the meat eaters with much-needed nutrients such as complex amino acids, minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll necessary for maintenance, health, and longevity. These nutrients cannot be found in sufficient levels or in a readily digestible form in most all dry-foods. In addition, many of these basic nutrients are cooked out of the dry-food during processing.

Healthy and Happy Heidelberg German Shepherd Dog, Puppies

Healthy and Happy Heidelberg German Shepherd Dog, Puppies

Prepare the pulp by bringing it to a boil.  By denaturing the proteins, you will further make it more like predigested stomach contents of herbivores. You can also add eggs and fresh meat and cook these items with the pulp, thus making a gruel that you can pour out over your German Shepherd Dog’s dry-food.

Food items that are exceptionally healthy for your German Shepherd Dog include kale, carrots, apples, oranges, grapefruit, berries of all types, grapes only in very small quantities (grapes can be harmful to your dog in large quantities), cranberries, spinach, cucumbers, watermelon, tomatoes, etc.  You will have to experiment with ratios both for you and your dog for taste.  Too much pulp and your German Shepherd Dog may not eat it. 

Grand Champion Heidelberg's Kodi Enjoys Juice Pulp

Grand Champion Heidelberg’s Kodi Enjoys Juice Pulp

 Try juicing for yourself and your German Shepherd Dog.  I guarantee that you will like the results.  As always before dramatically changing your diet or your dog’s diet consult your physician and your veterinarian.

Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion. Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds



Add Juicing Pulp to Your German Shepherd Dog Diet

Traveling Tips for Your German Shepherd Dog Continued

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi Everyone,

Traveling with your German Shepherd Dog can be easy and enjoyable when you and your dog are prepared for the trip.  German Shepherd Dog, puppies or adults can be extremely sensitive to the water that they drink.  Water from different areas contain different chemicals and hardness, and can cause your German Shepherd Dog to get diarrhea.  Therefore, it is well worth the effort to travel with water from your house for your German Shepherd Dog.  An alternative to this is to purchase distilled water.  When we are traveling to dog shows, we may have as many as eight adult dogs in our van.  This many dogs makes it impossible to carry enough water from home for a four or five day trip.  We have found that the dogs do well on distilled water and they never get runny stools from the water.

Enjoying a Break while on the Road

Enjoying a Break while on the Road

I discovered this years ago while at a dog show with seven German Shepherd Dogs in West Texas where the local water was high in sulfur.  I as well as all seven German shepherds had upset stomachs.  I purchased distilled water and everyone got well within one day.  Also, if your German Shepherd Dog does develop runny stools while traveling, four or five table spoons of Dannon plain white yogurt added to their food will calm their upset stomachs. 

Traveling with your German Shepherd Dog’s food is easy with a little planning and preparation.   I recommend bagging daily rations of dry-food in Ziploc baggies.  This way you will not run out of food before your travels are done and you are not hauling extra food.  You also can precook carrots and eggs and place these in Tupperware and keep them cool in a small doggie ice chest along with your yogurt and canned meet.  Vitamins and cod liver oil also be premeasured and placed in smaller containers so you are not carrying extra while on your trip.  We prefer to feed canned salmon or mackerel when traveling.  One 15 ounce should be enough for 5 days.  Be sure to bring a food bowl; we prefer stainless steel because it is durable and very easy to clean in a hotel sink. Also, you should bring a pail that you can hang onto the side of their crate for them to drink from.

Taking Time to Explore While on a Travel Break

Taking Time to Explore While on a Travel Break

Where does your German Shepherd dog ride while in the vehicle?  For adult shepherds the front or back seat may suffice.  If your dog is not crated, please use a dog seat-belt.  This will protect you as well as your German shepherd Dog if you have a car accident.  Even a minor fender bender can propel your unsecured dog into or through the windshield or into the back of your head killing you and your dog.  For traveling with German Shepherd Dog puppies, I recommend a crate that is just large enough that they can stand up and comfortably turn around in.  The crate should be secured to the vehicle so that it cannot become a projectile in case of an accident.

If you are staying overnight in hotels, you should bring a crate that you can place your dog in while he is in the hotel room, especially if you leave to go to eat and leave the German Shepherd Dog behind.  This is because if hotel staff opens the door, they will not be greeted by a German Shepherd Dog and possibly let your dog out of the room when they leave the door open while running away.  This happened to one of our customers while at a dog show in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Finally do not forget to bring a couple of your German Shepherd Dog’s favorite toys.  Traveling is stressful to your dog and having a couple of their favorite toys in evening will allow them to unwind while you watch television to unwind.  Enjoy your travels with your German Shepherd Dog and be safe on the road.

Traveling with Your German Shepherd Dog

Grand Champion, Champion Heidelberg’s Kodiak v Qeridad Ready for Another Road Trip

 Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion. Also, please see our web page: KeystoneGermanShepherds



Add Juicing Pulp to Your German Shepherd Dog Diet

German Shepherd Dog Puppy and Adult Health Tip: Lean Dogs

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi Everyone,

Today I’m going to provide a very simple but extremely important health tip for your German Shepherd Dog. Simply, keep your German Shepherd Dog lean.

Everyone wants a fat healthy German Shepherd Dog puppy.  A plump puppy indicates good health.  However, German Shepherd Dogs, as do all large breed dogs, grow rapidly and even a few extra pounds can place undo stress on vulnerable and growing joints.  Puppies play hard and often can come up lame, and the difference between limping for a few days and having a lifetime of lameness resulting from injuries can be a few extra pounds in a growing German Shepherd Dog puppy.

Lean Puppies Playing

Lean Puppies Playing

Many owners cannot wait for their German Shepherd Dogs to bulk up once they turn two and have slowed in growth.  Therefore, they often overfeed and unknowingly make their German Shepherd Dogs fat.  Unfortunately the look they really want is not the rolly-polly dog that they have created, but rather that of a muscular mature German Shepherd Dog. German Shepherd Dogs are not stocky breeds by design, such as Rottweilers, St. Bernard, or Bernese Mountain dogs.

Usually by the time your German Shepherd Dog turns five they will have started to develop a mature well muscular look.  This lean well muscled German Shepherd Dog will come naturally with proper nutrition and exercise.  Be patient, with good genetics, diet, and exercise it will happen.

A Four-Year-Old Champion Heidelberg's Bismark Naturally Bulking Up

A Four-Year-Old Champion Heidelberg’s Bismark Naturally Bulking Up

Having your German Shepherd Dog adult overweight is more detrimental to their overall health than having them too heavy as puppies.  While joints are still a concern, your German Shepherd Dog is now predisposed to diabetes, autoimmune disease, heart attack, stroke, and increased risk of cancer.

Keep your German Shepherd Dogs lean, and they will perform, feel, and look better.

Ask me a question and I will provide my opinion.



Add Juicing Pulp to Your German Shepherd Dog Diet

German Shepherd Dog Diet Tip: Yogurt

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi Everyone,

Today, I am going to recommend that you add to your German Shepherd Dog’s diet one tablespoon of plain white yogurt to every meal. Yogurt contains the essential calcium in a highly digestible form that is needed for maintenance and growth.  Once German Shepherd Dog puppies are weened they become lactose intolerant, which means they no longer are able to produce the enzyme lactase in sufficient quantities to digest most milk products.  Certain cheeses and cottage cheese in small quantity and yogurt are digestible by your German Shepherd Dog.

German Shepherd Dogs love the taste of yogurt.  Yogurt may help a finicky German Shepherd Dog eater to eat their food.

Yogurt is especially good for your growing German Shepherd Dog puppy by promoting and supporting proper bone and joint growth.  Most all dry-food companies that sell puppy formulas, advertise their kibble as being fortified with calcium, but if you read the label the form of calcium added to the kibble is calcium carbonate.  Calcium carbonate is ground up limestone and is not a readily digestible form of calcium.  Therefore, the limestone powder passes through your German Shepherd Dog puppy’s digestive system unabsorbed and may even be detrimental by adding undo stress to your German Shepherd Dog puppy’s digestive system.

One heaping table spoon of a high quality Yogurt such as Dannon provides your German Shepherd Dog’s daily requirement for calcium, as well as probiotics such as acidophilus.  Acidophilus will help your German Shepherd Dog digest their food more efficiently by assisting the breakdown of nutrients into a digestible form.  This is one supplement for your German Shepherd Dog that may pay for itself by assisting in the more efficient digestion of your dog’s food. Thus, better absorption and less poop.

In addition, yogurt can help with diarrhea by replenishing the flora that is lost in your German Shepherd Dog’s digestive system during a bout of diarrhea.  When one of our German Shepherd Dog has an upset stomach, we give them 5 to 6 heaping tablespoons of yogurt added to their dinner and in most cases this settles their stomach and reduces or ends their bout of diarrhea.

A good source of yogurt is as close as your local food store.  We recommend a high quality yogurt because the cheaper brands may not have live acidophilus cultures.

Include yogurt in your diet regime for your dog, and your German Shepherd Dog will love you the more for it.  You will not be disappointed, and will love purchasing less dog food and picking up less poop.

Ask me a question and I will provide my opinion.






Add Juicing Pulp to Your German Shepherd Dog Diet

German Shepherd Dog Diet Tip: Cod Liver Oil

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi Everyone,

Today, I am going to recommend that you add to your German Shepherd Dog’s diet a table spoon of cod liver oil.  Cod liver oil contains the essential omega three fatty acids that are need for maintenance and growth.  Cod liver oil is especially good for your growing German Shepherd Dog puppy by promoting good brain growth and a strong vascular system, as well as providing essential macro-nutrients for good eye health.

Another benefit of cod liver oil for German Shepherd Dog is that it will keep their coats bright and shiny.  In addition, if your German Shepherd Dog has skin allergies, cod liver will help alleviate the itching and scratching associated with skin allergies and hot spots.

Cod liver oil can also be used to flavor bad tasting medicines.  Just pour a little cod liver oil on the pill or powder and your German Shepherd Dog will readily take their medicine.

We sell one quart bottles of the purest North Atlantic cod liver oil that is available.  We charge $17.50 for the one quart bottles that are human grade cod liver oil.  Our cod liver is also preserved only with vitamin e (no artificial preservatives or harsh chemicals) and can be placed in the freezer for long term storage.   A one quart bottle will last approximately 3 months.

Include cod liver oil in your diet regime for your dog, and your German Shepherd Dog will love you the more for it.

Ask me a question and I will provide my opinion.








Vitamins and Supplements for Your German Shepherd Dog and Puppy

Vitamins and Supplements for Your German Shepherd Dog and Puppy

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi everyone,

Today, I am going to explain why we supplement our German Shepherd Dogs’ and Puppies’ diets with vitamins and supplements.    German Shepherd Dogs digestive systems are not as efficient at assimilating nutrients from their food sources as human beings.  Yet, like all Carnivores and certain omnivores such as lions, tigers, wolves, coyotes, and foxes, German Shepherd Dogs have specific caloric and nutrient requirements.  Unlike their wild counterparts that meet these caloric and nutrient requirements by capturing prey and consuming stomachs and intestines that contain predigested vegetation, our German Shepherd Dogs depend on us to provide these dietary needs.  Predigested stomach contents provide the meat-eaters with much-needed nutrients such as complex amino acids, minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll necessary for maintenance, health, and longevity.

Dry-food companies have recognized that many German Shepherd Dog owners are educating themselves on proper diets for their German Shepherd dog and puppies.  Therefore, several companies are offering their dry-food (kibble) diets with vitamins and vegetables cooked into the kibble. However, what they do not say, is that because all dry-food is cooked at such high temperatures and extruded at such high pressures that almost all vitamins and nutrients are degraded.  These nutrients cannot be found insufficient levels or in a readily digestible form in most all dry-foods.

Nevertheless, many veterinarians and dog food companies are teaching people to feed only dry food. Consider that German Shepherd Dogs are less efficient at assimilating nutrients from their food sources than human beings. Yet, intuitively we know know that if we consumed a kibble only diet for years that eventually we would have myriad of health problems caused by this kibble only diet.

We at Keystone German Shepherds and Kennels consider our dry-food as a caloric base for our diet.  Therefore, we feed a grain and gluten-free kibble that we supplement with vitamins and cooked fresh vegetables.  Our vitamins, Pure Total Dog Supplement” are packaged here at Keystone German Shepherds and Kennels in 3-pound bags of powder that is sprinkled on top of your German Shepherd Dog or puppy food.  These powder vitamins last approximately 2.5 months for one German Shepherd Dog.  Our Pure Total Dog Supplement contains diatomaceous earth, brewers yeast (all vitamin b complexes), active yeast enzymes to assist in digestion, selenium (for bone growth) vitamin c, kelp, flaxseed meal, chicken liver powder, and fish-meal for an extra boost of protein.

We sell these vitamins for $19.95 and can ship for a low fee anywhere in the United States.

Pure Total Dog Supplement
Pure Total Dog Supplement

We feed our German Shepherd Dogs adults and puppies the same diet throughout life. Once weaned, German Shepherd puppies become lactose intolerant and can no longer digest milk products other than cottage cheese, certain cheeses, and plain yogurt. Puppies grow fast and require calcium and other minerals to grow correctly and avoid joint problems later in life. We meet these requirements by adding plain white yogurt and our Pure Total Dog Supplement to their diet.

If you have a poor eater our Pure Total Dog Supplement will encourage your German Shepherd Dog or Puppy to eat.  The German Shepherd Dog cannot resist the chicken liver powder that is an ingredient in our Pure Total Dog SupplementPure Total Dog Supplement will also stop your German Shepherd Dog adult and puppy from eating wood, dirt, rocks, and poop.  German Shepherd Dogs adults and puppies will only eat these items in an effort to satisfy their needs for certain nutrients and minerals that are found in wood, dirt, rocks, and poop, which are not in a digestible form. These macronutrients and minerals are in Pure Total Dog Supplement and satisfy your German Shepherd Dog metabolic needs for these items.

Try supplementing your German Shepherd Dog adult or puppy with high-quality vitamins and your German Shepherd Dog will thank you with a longer and healthier life.

Ask me a question and I will provide my opinion.

