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German Shepherd Dogs (Shock Collars)

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi Everyone,

I am not a strong proponent of the use of shock collars for German Shepherd Dog training; however, they have their place, and can be used in a humane way.  We sold a young teenager and future Champion, Heidelberg’s Trooper to a young man that had never owned a German Shepherd Dog.  One of this man’s friends recommended a shock collar to train Trooper.  Well the man purchased a two hundred dollar shock collar with a remote control and began to use it on trooper on his property.  Trooper roamed about one-hundred-yards from his owner, and the man called Trooper to come.  Well since the teenager, Trooper had only been with the new owner for a couple of days no bond had been developed and Trooper did not come immediately so the man applied a shock with his remote control.  Trooper immediately came to the man and in a blur grabbed the shock controller out of the man’s hand and bit the remote control in half.  The nice young man did not have the temperament for a German Shepherd Dog as smart as Trooper.  Fortunately for us and Trooper’s current owners the man returned Trooper to us and we refunded his money, but he did lose two-hundred dollars on a broken shock collar.

Champion Trooper at His Championship Win is Pictured With the Children He Now Lives With

A more appropriate use of a shock collar on our Heidelberg German Shepherd Dogs is when a family has purchased two males or two females from us, and one of the same sex dogs wants to exert dominance over the other dog.  Usually this situation occurs when a family purchases a German Shepherd Dog from us and returns in a year or so to purchase another German Shepherd Dog puppy of the same sex.  The older shepherd will want to dominate the younger puppy.  As the puppy grows older and starts to mature this show of dominance may develop into aggressive attacks that leave the puppy with bite marks and scars.

To bring a quick stop to this and to protect the puppy physically, as well as their emotional development, the use of a shock collar is appropriate.  The approach to this is simple and every time the dominant German Shepherd Dog shows aggression towards the younger shepherd the owner applies a single shock to stop the aggression.  Once the shock is applied the aggressor usually will retreat, but if they do not additional shocks should be applied.  It usually only takes four separate shock events to stop this aggressive behavior.

In addition, as a follow up to the use of the shock collar, the owner(s) must become the pack leader and foster a genial relationship between the two shepherds. Sharp and consistent verbal rebukes are required any time either shepherd asserts dominance.  Two Heidelberg German Shepherd Dogs of the same sex can have a gregarious and friendly relationship in the same house if the owner will assume the position of pack leader and not allow any dominance competition between the two dogs.

Heidelberg’s Bogie and Young Rex, Two Heidelberg Male Shepherds Living Together As Best Friends

Ask me a Question and I will provide my opinion.




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