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German Shepherd Dog Diet Tip (A Little Fresh Meat)

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Hi Everyone,

The other day I recommended that you that you add fish (mackerel) to your German Shepherd Dog’s Diet.  At the same time I suggested that you limit your German Shepherd Dogs adults to eating fish two or three times a week because all fishes from the ocean are contaminated with low levels of mercury.  If you were to feed fish every day to your German Shepherd Dogs overtime they may bio-concentrate in their bodies dangerous mercury levels.

Your German Shepherd Dog puppy or adult needs approximately 3 ounces of fresh meat at every meal.  I explained to you how degraded the protein that is found in dry-food requiring us to supplement fresh protein if we are interested in maximizing the health of our German Shepherd Dogs. While fish is probably our first choice, but we can only use fish two or three times a week, so what about the other days?

My favorite is venison, and we package and freeze approximately 6,000 pounds of venison scrap per year.  We then cook 10 to 20 pounds of venison per day depending on how many boards we are kenneling and the ambient temperature.  The colder it is outside, the more fresh protein, we will feed to our German Shepherd Dogs.  On average, each German Shepherd Dog will receive daily 3 to 5 ounces of fresh protein.

Fortunately for Keystone German Shepherds, we have large deer processors nearby and we are able to collect their meat scraps for free.  These scraps would end up in a dump if we did not utilize this resource.

If you do not have deer processors nearby, you can use beef, chicken, turkey, or buffalo as a fresh meat source. Just avoid processed meats such as sandwich meats and high salt and fatty meats such as ham, sausage, and bacon.  A diet of high fatty meats may cause your German Shepherd Dog to develop acute Canine Pancreatitis.  In addition, too much salt is unhealthy for your German Shepherd Dog and places undo strain on their kidneys. Never pour bacon grease on your German Shepherd Dog’s food.

With a little searching for sales, you can usually find good quality meats for less than $2.00 per pound.  Buy up these good deals and freeze the meat until ready for use.

Provide fresh meat to your German Shepherd Dog and they will be healthier and love you the more for it.

A Happy Healthy Puppy Needs Fresh Meat Daily

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