Site icon Keystone German Shepherds

Diet Improvements for Your German Shepherd Dog or Puppy

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Exploring the vast prairie of the Washita National Wildlife Refuge

Why Does Your German Shepherd Dog or Puppy Eat Grass

Hello, today I thought I would blog about the correct way to feed your German shepherd dog and/or your German shepherd puppy. We’ve all seen German shepherds eat grass and then vomit the grass back up. Most of us have heard that the reason for this is that they have an upset stomach and that is why they are eating grass.

German shepherd dogs eat grass because they are not strict carnivores, but rather omnivores that have a nutritional requirement, as we do, for chlorophyll.   Unfortunately your German shepherd dog cannot digest the Johnson, rye, or Bermuda grass in your yard.  Therefore, they must vomit it back up.

We satisfy this need for Chlorophyll in our German shepherd dogs’ diet by adding cooked spinach and/or raw alfalfa sprouts to their diet. We add about 1 ounce per day of cooked spinach or alfalfa sprouts to our German shepherd diet.  Your German shepherd dog or puppy will be able to digest and fully assimilate these vegetables, thus benefiting from these rich sources of chlorophyll, vitamin A, and iron.

In addition, we monitor our German shepherd dogs and if we observe them eating grass, we increase the amount of spinach and/or alfalfa sprouts to their diet.  German shepherd dogs are like humans in that their nutritional requirements change; sometimes daily depending on environmental stressors and hormone levels such as going into season.

Try adding cooked spinach and/or alfalfa sprouts to your German shepherd dog’s diet.  You will be presently pleased with the results and your German shepherd will love you the more for it.

Ask me a question and I promise I will provide my opinion.




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